Saturday, October 13, 2012


I recently finished shooting VISIBLE PROOF, a historical drama that my good friend Gabil Sultanov directed.  I am very excited to present a teaser trailer for the film and absolutely cannot wait to see the film finished.  Gabil is a fantastic director and cast this movie so well.  Just watching our actors work on set was a great opportunity.  This film has been a passion project for all the filmmakers since Gabil first pitched us the story.  I remember when he first told me about it in a bar one night at a wrap party from another shoot.  I loved the idea right away and here we are more than a year later we've finally shot the film and are now editing.

A big thank you to Panavision Hollywood for working with me in creating a customized Sony F3 package that let me keep a pretty hefty Primo 4:1 (18-75mm) zoom on the front while working almost entirely handheld for the entire shoot.  Here, 1st AC Ryan Hogue keeps the camera close-by while the actors rehearse the scene.

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