Saturday, September 3, 2011

i am i

Way back in May...

My friends Cora Olsen and Jen Dubin produced a feature film called I AM I.  We had worked together last year on another feature they produced called THE PERFECT FAMILY which had its premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in April.  I was the BBE on this one.  My buddy Evan Pesses gaffed and Andre Lascaris was the DP.  It was an awesome shoot and lot of people from "The Perfect Family" where on this one too, which made it better.

They financed half of their film through a Kickstarter campaign.  They not only reached, but surpassed their financial goal of $100,000.  I think that's pretty amazing.  Cora and Jen are awesome producers and I have no doubt they will be making many many more films.  This was their pitch video for Kickstarter:

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